Saturday, March 5, 2005

Why I love My Job- More quotes from the kids

"all staff are bitches except for Janet"
-David W.

"did you know that the only ingredient in water is liquid"
- Chris B

“I have throw up in my stomach and its moving to my brain"
- Chris B

"If I had a choice between school or gouging my eyes out with a large metal spoon and replacing them with Cadbury eggs, I would have to choose the Cadbury eggs method."
- Chris R.

"thats why God made punch people's lights out"
- Brandon

kid 1: "janet how do you spell journal"
kid 2"janet, how do you spell Indians"
kid3: "janet how do you spell guide"
Ben (thru the time out room wall) "why dont you guys get a fucking dictionary and she spelt have those words fucking wrong anyway"

Chris B: "janet can we contract to make the perfect water recipe"

Chris B:You know those big gray game boys from the olden days......
- a kid at work

me: what happens if your on a date and you want to make sure you have enough money for what your ordering?
Junior: I dont need math yo, I would just take out my cell phone and pretend i'm calling my mom and add it up on the calculator and be like, "whats up mom" and pretend im talking to her while im adding it yo

Sam: What do Buddhists Believe?
Paris: they don’t believe in god
Ollie: Isnt that an aithiest
Paris: no they dont believe in annnnnyyyyy god

Paris: what is the hell, is that some sort of vodo crap
me: what
Paris: i just walked by and the light turned on
me: its a motion detector

Chris T.: Did you know that beef is the most grown crop?
Me: No

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