Monday, May 29, 2006

Geography with Paul

Paul: Name two popular German cities based on 2 popular American foods?
Kid1: American Chop Sewy
Kid2: French fry
Kid1: hotdog
Me: keep going, close to that another word for a hotdog
kid1: a frank
Me: ok so whats the cities name? farankfur.....
Kid1: Frankfurter
Paul: No
Me1: take of the er and you get.....
kid2: frankfurt
kid1: thats what I meant the whole time.....

ok name the other one

Kid: Chesseburger
kid: frenchfry
kid: hamberger
me: think city not food
kid: hamberger city
me: no

Discussing the significant of sports teams like the Denver nuggets and the new England patriots

me; what is significant about the Philadelphia 76es
Paris: Philadelphia was the 76ht state

Me: The Prime- Meridian is the 0 degree line of latitude that goes through Africa. Its the same as the equator, except it goes up and down.
Paris: It must me freezing there
Me: Freezing why?
Paris: Its like zero degrees.